Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Pray for the official Grand Opening of the Hope Center which will be tomorrow (Thursday, 25 June). The whole community will be coming out. 50 "officials" will be there. Even the District Commissioner (like the governor of a state) will be there and will give a speech. A lady was found that could bake enough cake to give everyone a small piece. Amazing! May God receive glory.

Today three women walked up with five orphans. They heard about the Hope Center and wanted to know if we would take them in. My heart breaks - so many yet to help. But we are here and may God give us great increase.


Abigail said...

I am excited for the official opening and look forward to hearing stories and pictures! Blessings! I look forward to seeing what God will do in this generation of children!

Marty Wallace said...

Hallelujah! The need is huge...and our God is huger! Thanks for your obedience!
Continued blessings and prayers~