Friday, February 27, 2009

Zack gets suckered

(from Zack in Serenje)
So a couple of weeks I posted a blog about one of the workers who had his house collapse, Rodgers. He was my benevolence case. He told me he was an orphan and was taking care of his younger siblings. He was also the one who had his house collapse. Well, I was suckered. He isn't an orphan, he isn't taking care of his siblings. He seems to be a crook that quit showing up for work when he was thrown in Jail. I wasn't the only one, several of the workers loaned him money and have not been repaid. They are very concerned about it all. Thankfully all he got out of me was a job. He actually earned everything I paid him. It just goes to show that even with time here I am still not without fault, and that people here will do anything to get a buck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

D'oh! Hmm...better to be compassionate than cynical, I guess...I'll pray that you & other believers may have an effect on Rodgers - he definitely needs Jesus!